List of Scheme / Informations


Annual Audit Report of LFAD

LFAD, headed by Director LFAD carries out independent audit of local bodies and is governed by the Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Act, 1954. In this scheme annual audit report from 2015 to 2020 has displayed.


Administrative Report of LFAD

A written document that explains how much progress is being made on something you have previously planned. In this scheme LFAD Department progress report is displayed.


LFAD Act AND Rules of LFAD

The Local Fund Audit Department(LFAD) of the state, headed by Director LFAD carries out independent audit of local bodies and is governed by the Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Act, 1954. Here describe ACT and rules about it.


Right To Information of LFAD

The Local Fund Audit Department(LFAD) of the state, headed by Director LFAD carries out independent audit of local bodies and is governed by the Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Act, 1954. And describe here regional offices list.


Allotted Budget of LFAD

In this scheme LFAD department Alloted Budget information display


Court Case of LFAD

List of Court case of LFAD has display in this scheme.


Audit Instractions of LFAD

In this scheme basic instruction for Audit of LFAD has displayed


Audit Fees of LFAD

Audit fees of LFAD refer to the amount of fees received by auditors for their professional services based on such factors as the complexity of the services, the level of expertise, and many other factors.


Regional Office of LFAD

The Local Fund Audit Department(LFAD) of the state, headed by Director LFAD carries out independent audit of local bodies and is governed by the Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Act, 1954. And describe here regional offices list.


Audit Managment of LFAD

LFAD Audit Mangement : There are total 11432 local bodies are being covered by LFAD. These local bodies includes PRIs, ULBs, Development Authorities etc.